Each fall, the students, families, community and staff of Los Cerros Middle School work together to accomplish a very special project called The Basket Brigade. This project supplies all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal and delivers to underprivileged families throughout the East Bay. It is a wonderful way to help our children give back to their community. The Friday before Thanksgiving, all 300 baskets will be delivered by our parents to local shelters for families suffering from domestic violence and homelessness and local organizations providing help to low-income families. These shelters and organizations are located in Concord, Martinez and Livermore.
Year to year, it is difficult to know exactly how much we will able to collect via donations, and in order to provide produce for each basket, we will need to raise additional funds to cover this unforeseen cost. We are asking for additional donations of ANY amount and will be collecting until
November 4th. Please feel free to share
with family, friends and neighbors. And if you have connections to local farmers or produce distributors, please let us know!
loscerrosmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com. Any remaining funds will go into the general PTA fund.